Phone: 662-562-4897
The purpose of federal programs is to provide opportunities that will enhance students’ educational endeavor beginning as early as kindergarten. These programs are designed to promote student achievement as each student acquires the knowledge and skills as outlined in the State’s Curriculum Frameworks in the areas of language arts/reading and mathematics, as well as augment the character education and drug-free curriculum that is addressed in all schools.
These allocations, combined with state and local funds, supplement the programs that are currently in place within the district to improve student achievement. Schools with forty percent (40%) or more children from low-income families qualify to receive schoolwide services for all students in the school funded by Title I, Part A funds. Currently, the Senatobia Municipal School District uses Title I, Part A, funds at two of our three schools that meet this criterion: Senatobia Elementary School and Senatobia Middle School.
Click here for Testing Policies:
Policy II – Testing Program
Policy IIAAA – Opting-Out of State Testing
Phone: 662-562-4897
Phone: 662-562-4897