Excel By 5 - August

Happy August!


I trust you've had a wonderful Summer Vacation! 

In August, you can expect a thoughtfully chosen quote from Excel By 5. Our aim is to inspire you to keep up the fantastic work you do for your community. Take a moment to review and share the first quote for August and calendar!


Special announcements and requests:


Attracting and Retaining Childcare Providers: Strategies for Success

Guest Speaker- Tamara Smith

Tuesday, August 22, 2023, at 2:00 p.m.

CLICK HERE to register

*Contact Hours provided.

Excel By 5 Summit

Children are at the HeART of it All

October 3, 2023, at Eagle Ridge in Raymond

CLICK HERE to register

*Contact Hours provided with Education CEs pending.

Is there a special spot in your community dedicated to 0 to 5-year-olds? If yes, we'd love to include it in our Summit's special feature! Please email dcarter@excelby5.com a picture along with a brief two-sentence description. Don't hesitate to ask your coach for ideas to showcase your community!